Student Learning Contract Template

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9+ Student Learning Contract Templates PDF, Word, Google Docs,
9+ Student Learning Contract Templates PDF, Word, Google Docs, from

A student learning contract is a written agreement between a student and a teacher or school that outlines the specific goals, expectations, and responsibilities for the student’s learning. It serves as a guide and a tool for both parties to ensure that the student’s educational needs are met and that they are actively engaged in their learning process.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a Student Learning Contract?
  2. Why is a Student Learning Contract Important?
  3. Key Components of a Student Learning Contract
  4. How to Create a Student Learning Contract
  5. Tips for Using a Student Learning Contract
  6. Example of a Student Learning Contract Template
  7. Benefits of Using a Student Learning Contract
  8. Conclusion

What is a Student Learning Contract?

A student learning contract is a written agreement between a student and a teacher or school that outlines the specific goals, expectations, and responsibilities for the student’s learning. It serves as a guide and a tool for both parties to ensure that the student’s educational needs are met and that they are actively engaged in their learning process.

The contract typically includes information such as the student’s name, grade level, and subject or course. It also outlines the specific objectives or learning outcomes that the student is expected to achieve within a certain timeframe. Additionally, it may include details on the resources, materials, or support that will be provided to the student to help them reach their goals.

Furthermore, a student learning contract often includes a section for the student to set their own goals and targets, as well as a space for them to reflect on their progress and make adjustments as needed. This promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning, as they are actively involved in the goal-setting and monitoring process.

Why is a Student Learning Contract Important?

A student learning contract is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to establish clear expectations and goals for both the student and the teacher. By clearly defining what is expected of the student in terms of their learning, it provides a roadmap for success and helps to minimize misunderstandings or confusion.

Secondly, a student learning contract promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning. By involving the student in the goal-setting and monitoring process, it empowers them to take control of their education and become active participants in their learning journey.

Additionally, a student learning contract helps to foster communication and collaboration between the student, teacher, and parents or guardians. It provides a framework for ongoing discussions about the student’s progress, challenges, and areas for improvement. This collaborative approach ensures that everyone is working together to support the student’s learning and development.

Key Components of a Student Learning Contract

A student learning contract typically includes the following key components:

  1. Student information: This includes the student’s name, grade level, and subject or course.
  2. Learning objectives or outcomes: This outlines the specific goals or outcomes that the student is expected to achieve within a certain timeframe.
  3. Resources and support: This includes details on the resources, materials, or support that will be provided to the student to help them reach their goals.
  4. Student goals and targets: This provides a space for the student to set their own goals and targets for their learning.
  5. Progress monitoring and reflection: This allows the student to reflect on their progress, make adjustments as needed, and track their growth over time.
  6. Signature lines: This is where the student, teacher, and parents or guardians can sign to indicate their agreement to the contract.

These components work together to create a comprehensive and personalized learning plan for the student.

How to Create a Student Learning Contract

Creating a student learning contract involves the following steps:

  1. Identify learning objectives: Determine the specific goals or outcomes that the student is expected to achieve within a certain timeframe.
  2. Gather resources and materials: Collect the necessary resources, materials, or support that will be provided to the student to help them reach their goals.
  3. Involve the student: Allow the student to set their own goals and targets for their learning. Encourage them to reflect on their progress and make adjustments as needed.
  4. Collaborate with parents or guardians: Share the student learning contract with the student’s parents or guardians and involve them in the goal-setting and monitoring process.
  5. Finalize and sign the contract: Once all parties are in agreement, finalize the student learning contract and have everyone sign to indicate their commitment to the contract.

It is important to regularly review and update the student learning contract as needed to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

Tips for Using a Student Learning Contract

Here are some tips for using a student learning contract:

  1. Ensure clarity and specificity: Clearly define the goals, expectations, and responsibilities outlined in the contract to avoid any confusion.
  2. Encourage student ownership: Involve the student in the goal-setting and monitoring process to promote a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning.
  3. Provide ongoing support and feedback: Offer regular support and feedback to the student to help them stay on track and make progress towards their goals.
  4. Promote reflection and adjustment: Encourage the student to reflect on their progress and make adjustments to their goals or strategies as needed.
  5. Regularly review and update: Regularly review and update the student learning contract to ensure that it remains relevant and aligned with the student’s needs and goals.

Example of a Student Learning Contract Template

Below is an example of a student learning contract template:

Student Information: John Smith
Grade Level: 10
Subject/ Course: Mathematics
Learning Objectives:
  • Achieve a minimum grade of B in all math assessments
  • Complete all assigned homework and classwork on time
  • Participate actively in class discussions and activities
  • Ask questions and seek clarification when needed
Resources and Support:
  • Access to online math resources and tutorials
  • Additional one-on-one support sessions with the teacher
  • Regular feedback and progress reports
Student Goals and Targets:
  • Achieve an A grade in the next math assessment
  • Complete all assigned homework and classwork before the deadline
  • Participate actively in at least three class discussions per week
  • Ask at least two questions in each math class
Progress Monitoring and Reflection:
  • Weekly check-ins with the teacher to discuss progress and challenges
  • Monthly reflection exercises to evaluate growth and set new goals
Signature Lines:
  • Student: [Student’s signature]
  • Teacher: [Teacher’s signature]
  • Parent/ Guardian: [Parent/ Guardian’s signature]

Benefits of Using a Student Learning Contract

Using a student learning contract offers several benefits:

  1. Clear expectations: It provides clear expectations and goals for the student, teacher, and parents or guardians.
  2. Increased accountability: It promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning.
  3. Collaboration and communication: It fosters collaboration and communication between all parties involved in the student’s education.
  4. Personalized learning: It allows for a personalized learning plan based on the student’s needs and goals.

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