One On One Meetings With Employees Template

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One On One Meeting Sample Questions and 2 Best Agenda Templates
One On One Meeting Sample Questions and 2 Best Agenda Templates from

Table of Contents

What is a One On One Meeting?

A one on one meeting is a dedicated time for a manager or supervisor to connect with an employee on an individual basis. It is an opportunity for open and honest communication, where both parties can discuss various topics such as work progress, challenges, goals, and career development.

Benefits of One On One Meetings

One on one meetings have numerous benefits for both employees and managers:

  • Improved communication: Regular one on one meetings help build trust and foster open communication between managers and employees.
  • Increased employee engagement: These meetings provide a platform for employees to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns, making them feel valued and engaged.
  • Enhanced productivity: By discussing work progress, challenges, and goals, managers can provide necessary support and guidance, leading to improved productivity.
  • Opportunity for feedback: One on one meetings allow managers to provide constructive feedback and recognize employees’ achievements, encouraging growth and development.

Setting Up a One On One Meeting

When setting up a one on one meeting, consider the following:

  • Schedule: Determine the frequency and duration of the meetings. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings are common, with a duration of 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Location: Choose a quiet and comfortable location where both parties can have a focused conversation.
  • Agenda: Share the meeting agenda in advance, allowing both the manager and the employee to prepare and gather any necessary information.

Preparing for a One On One Meeting

Before the meeting, both the manager and the employee should prepare:

  • Manager’s preparation:
    • Review the employee’s recent work and performance.
    • Identify any challenges or concerns to discuss.
    • Consider any development opportunities for the employee.
  • Employee’s preparation:
    • Reflect on recent achievements and challenges.
    • Prepare questions or topics to discuss with the manager.
    • Consider any career goals or development needs.

Running a One On One Meeting

During the one on one meeting, follow these guidelines:

  • Start with a casual conversation to build rapport and create a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Review progress since the last meeting, discussing achievements, challenges, and any necessary adjustments.
  • Address any questions, concerns, or suggestions from both parties.
  • Discuss short-term and long-term goals, as well as any development opportunities for the employee.
  • Agree on action steps, timelines, and responsibilities.

One On One Meeting Template

Here is a template you can use for your one on one meetings:

[Insert template here]

Follow-Up After a One On One Meeting

Following the meeting, both the manager and the employee should:

  • Document key discussion points, action steps, and agreements.
  • Share any relevant resources or materials discussed during the meeting.
  • Follow through on the agreed-upon action steps and deadlines.
  • Schedule the next one on one meeting.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When conducting one on one meetings, avoid these common mistakes:

  • Not actively listening to the employee’s concerns or ideas.
  • Overloading the meeting with too many topics, causing time constraints.
  • Providing vague or generic feedback without specific examples or actionable steps.
  • Not following up on action steps or commitments made during the meeting.


One on one meetings are valuable opportunities for managers and employees to connect, communicate, and collaborate. By following the tips and using the provided template, you can ensure productive and meaningful discussions that contribute to employee growth and overall organizational success.

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